Saturday, January 5, 2013

Final Blog

This Google Project was challenging. This Google Project was frustrating and time consuming. But this Google Project was also meaningful and the best thing I have ever done with my time the whole year. Everyday Jessica and I went to that school, I felt like I was making a difference. The children we taught loved our classes, and you could really see how well they improved over the month. Jessica and I not only learned a lot of about teaching music, but also about the kids that we taught. After recording Jingle Bells, I felt that the clarinets had gone a long ways from when they first picked up their instruments and puffed out a squeak. Now they know a few notes and squeak only the majority of the time! I can't wait for next year when we add more teachers and instruments and get this thing an actual program. Jessica and I are still continuing working with the kids for the rest of the school year until March (when we both have after school sports) Glad this project worked for us and glad EFM happened:)


Final Blog

This is it. We did it! I am so amazed that Sammy and I managed to pull this off because it was a truly valuable experience. I am thankful that everything worked out even though the beginning was a little bit rocky. The best part about this experience was the feeling of satisfaction that I received every time the kids would learn a new note, or a new song, or even simply tell me how much they love playing their instruments. (I have a new found appreciation for teachers as well). The kids constantly tell me about how our class is their favorite class, and how they keep wanting to play their instrument throughout their school years. The feeling that I receive is really indescribable. The most difficult part of the project was setting up the program because we were inexperienced as teachers and finding a set location and schedule was proven to be difficult. But, all of the contacting and setting up that we had to do payed off because Sammy and I have started up a program at an underprivileged school that will hopefully keep running even after we graduate. We are excited to say that we will keep teaching the program. We are also so excited that people have been contacting us not only for lessons, but to teach as well! It is such a rewarding feeling knowing that people are interested in our program and want to help. We will most likely add new teachers for the next school year, but because we are still in the trial-and-error phase, as of now, Sammy and I are going to keep teaching. This program has proven to be more than a Google Project for school. Instead, it is a program that will hopefully continue to grow in that school in order to teach those who are less fortunate than we are about the importance of music.  

-Jessica Lee